Membership Renewal

First and foremost, the Board of the FBI Portland Citizens Academy Alumni Association would like to thank you for your continued investment and interest with you Alumni Association. Without your loyalty and support, we would not be able to continuously provide our members with valuable benefits and actively develop our community outreach. Put simply, you make what we do possible.

Want to renew/signup with a debit or credit card? You can do that through PayPal!

To pay your fee via PayPal, read the Conduct & Ethics Policy below, if you agree to the terms and conditions, select the type of membership you would like to purchase (Annual/General $100 or Lifetime $750). Click ‘Pay Now’. If you have a PayPal account, you can use that account to pay. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can use a major credit card by selecting the ‘Don’t have a PayPal account’ link on the bottom right.

Thank You!

Pay your membership dues here

Lifetime Membership Installment Plan

We now also offer the option of paying for your Lifetime Membership in installments.  To pay using Pay Pal, please use the Lifetime Membership Installment Payment option from drop-down menu and enter the amount you would like to pay.  Please email a copy of your Pay Pal receipt to [hidden email] and [hidden email] so we can update your payments and membership data accordingly.

(You'll enter the amount on the PayPal pages)

If you wish to pay by check, please mail your check to FBI Portland Citizens Academy Alumni Association, PO Box 475, Troutdale, Oregon 97060-0475.  Write on the the check that is is for your Lifetime Membership Installment Payment, and indicate which payment number this is, such as 1st Payment, 2nd Payment, Final Payment, etc.

New Member Sign-Up

Use the form above to pay your dues with PayPal and print and fill out the membership form (page 2 of the pdf)

Application and Consent Form (823K)

Conduct & Ethics Policy


The FBI Portland Citizens Academy Alumni Association (the “FBICAAA”) is a private non-profit corporation associated with, but not part of the FBI.  The purpose of the FBICAAA is to promote safer communities through community service projects, to educate the public about the mission, resources, and limitations of the FBI, and to undertake other activities in consultation with the Special Agent in Charge of the Oregon Division.

In light of the unique relationship between the FBICAAA and the FBI, and to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, the Board of Directors has adopted this Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy (the “Policy”) for officers, directors, and members of the FBICAAA.  Officers, directors, and members must act in the best interests of the FBICAAA and the FBI and must comply with the letter and the spirit of this Policy.

No code or policy can anticipate every situation that may arise.  Therefore, this Policy is intended to serve as a guide and each officer, director, and member is encouraged to contact the President of the FBICAAA with questions about specific circumstances that may implicate one or more of the provisions of this Policy.


  1. Use of the FBI Name and Seal
  2. Use of the FBICAAA Name and Logo
  3. Personal Advantage
  4. Media
  5. Violations and Sanctions
    • You are prohibited from representing to any third party that you are an agent, employee, or in any way affiliated with the FBI.
    • You are prohibited from using the FBI seal, any name that makes reference to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or any name that includes “FBI” without the prior approval of the FBI.
    • You are prohibited from selling or otherwise distributing material from the Citizens Academy without the prior approval of the FBI.
    • You may use the FBICAAA name to indicate that you are a graduate of the Citizens Academy and a member of the FBICAAA.
    • You may not use the FBICAAA name or the FBICAAA logo to suggest that an event or activity is sponsored, endorsed or authorized by, or affiliated with the FBICAAA.
    • You are prohibited from using your position as an officer, director or member of the FBICAAA to procure personal advantages not available to the general public.
    • You may not speak on behalf of the FBI or the FBICAAA. All requests from the media regarding the FBI must be directed to Bella Crepeaux, Community Outreach Specialist, or their designee. All requests from the media regarding the FBCIAAA must be directed to the President of the FBICAAA.
    • Violations of this Policy will be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors. The action taken by the Board will be commensurate with the seriousness of the violation and may result in termination of your membership.

Active membership includes acknowledgement that the member will adhere to this Code of Ethics.

By selecting to be a member you are acknowledging that you have received and read this policy.